Sunday, March 30, 2014

Time for Me

Leading a fear based life, certainly does not lead one to freedom.  Fear leads us into a sense of unworthiness, smallness, and perceptions of helplessness.  To lack a sense of personal power, one certainly is challenged to funnel energies into self-satisfying activities.   Without a sense of value, energy is used to meet the approval or needs of someone else.  A person becomes captive in a self-designed cave.  It takes enormous discipline, understanding, and patience to set one's self free.
If we catch ourselves saying, "I can't do that," or "My family needs all of my time," we are hood winking ourselves into thinking we are being honorable.  Many women believe self-nurturing is a form of self-indulgence or selfishness.  In fact, the direct opposite is true.  The better we take care of personal needs, the better partner, parent, or employee we can be.  Addressing our simple desires helps to build our immune system and distance our body from 'dis-ease'.  It reduces stress from our busy lives preventing excess wear and tear on our physical and emotional bodies. 
Reading a daily devotion, walking around the block, doing yoga stretches, or soaking in a warm bath are all forms of free nurturing not requiring an investment in anyone but our lovely selves.  Life is more pleasurable if we allow ourselves hopes and dreams.  Even if they never come true, daydreams accompany the present moment providing relaxation.  Actually, we cannot afford to not squeak out 15 minutes in the day as just 'me' time.  We are worth it!

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