Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Promise to Share


Carly Hardy
Island Imagined

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things
that escape those who dream only at night.
Edgar Allan Poe
Imagination is the breath of life in a world of black and white or vibrant colors.  By expanding our ability to see beyond the normal, we are allowed to enter what might not be seen by others.  For some, extending the imagination creates a deeper sense of feeling.  When we increase our senses through imagination, we all become artists whether it is through music, paint, poetry, or creative visualization in any art form.
Once our awareness is raised to the level of seeing the impossible, magic floods what we see.  Life takes on a rhythm, color, and delight filling our hearts with joy.  In the most simple of things, we can become mesmerized by the complexity of what has always existed.  We see beyond the ordinary to the spectacular views that have always been the unnoticed back drops in our busy lives.
Life becomes our attentive companion.  We are one, emerging into all lovely things.  We slow down so we can embrace all that we never take time to see.  There seems to be magic flowing through our veins and we see love in the sky, the sea, and every tree.
In the stillness of our imagination, we hear the calling of the Divine.  We become wide eyed with the feeling of innocence, as we remember we are the beloved child.   Encircled by bliss, filled by Divine grace, we promise to share our love forever more. 

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