Sunday, February 16, 2014

Return to Heart

(Brene Brown interviews Jennifer Louden)
Ask a woman if she is self-nurturing herself, and she will automatically reply with something similar to:  "I don't have the time.  I don't have the money.  I need to make an appointment."  This simply is not the foundation for nurturing the self.  These are luxuries we would enjoy, but they are not requirements for rekindling the spirit.
Somehow the word "pampering" has taken on the connotation of self-indulgence.  Our brains immediately jumps to a spa vision, then quickly returns to reality, and dismisses thoughts of pleasure.
At the core is self-evaluation.  If we can hold our selves with compassion, acceptance, and love, we discover self-nurturing can mean just turning inward.  To cleanse our attitudes or neutralize our opinions, we can just take a few minutes to be in our sacred space within our hearts.  This is where we can embrace the self and feel unconditionally loved.  In addition, it is in this very space that Divine Spirit awaits us.  Our heart can hold the space of God's love to be returned to time and time again.
When we return to our heart, it is not an expense or an activity to be worked into a busy schedule.  It is a matter of briefly closing our eyes and feeling at home bathed in a warm light within our very being.  It is knowing that at all times, we are connected to both Mother Earth and Divine Spirit.  We can pamper our lovely selves at will.    So, will you ... return to your heart?

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