Thursday, February 27, 2014

Not Ours

It is one thing to know that we are responsible for our selves alone, and yet another to not carry others burdens.  Sometimes our children or friends will call relating a personal crisis to us.  Long after wards, we may still be worrying about the situation.  In reality, the child or kindred spirit may have already worked out a resolution. 

When others are making life time decisions, we are frequently concerned.  Even if we do not voice an opinion, we still carry the thoughts around in our head.  We do this when we are not involved in the outcome or the results of the decision.

Previously, we have talked about 'worry jars' that can be quite revealing.  Every time we have a concern, we jot it down on a small piece of paper, fold it, and place it in the 'worry jar'.  At the end of the week, we can empty the jar while looking through all of the papers.  We will discover that most of things worrying us, never came to pass.  It shows the wasted energy when caught up unnecessarily in situations out of our control.

As loving human beings, we do indeed care about others, but there is a process tried and true.  When something disturbs us, share it with the Divine and then let it go.  Know that we have placed our concerns in trusted hands.  We lighten our load through prayer, meditation, or yoga which can help us both physically and emotionally release what is not ours to carry. 

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