Saturday, February 15, 2014

As Above, So Below


We are such interesting human beings.  Our practices, behaviors, and perspectives can be unpredictable and yet repetitive.  This is where our free will comes in.  The more we love ourselves, how we feel connected, and if we keep an open mind, our choices will be creative, eclectic, and inspiring.  The indicator would be remembering, remaining aware, and choosing wisely.

Eckhart Tolle's book, THE NEW EARTH, amazed me.  It wasn't that he had anything necessarily new to say, but the words he chose to use spoke directly to me.  Once through the first chapter, my world was set on fire.  Chapter by chapter, his lovely words nestled into my thoughts, actions and behaviors.  I was awake, alive, and aware. 

Eckhart Tolle's writing just happened to catch me at a time my mind was totally open and receptive.  His previous book, THE POWER OF NOW had been sitting on my bookshelf for months, unread.  So much is about  perfect timing. 

In an article I read, Mr. Tolle mentioned how he had been writing his book in the United States, and his words were flowing.  Then he went to England for awhile, and his words became a struggle and would not spill out onto the page as before.  When he returned to the United States, once again his words poured out. 

We are greatly impacted by the energy surrounding us and the vibrations in the earth.  We are often times unaware of how we may be happier and more content in one setting or restless and uncomfortable in another.  When we are in alignment with our environment, body, and soul, we experience a sense of connection sometimes difficult to explain.  We may feel warm and embraced, or powerful and highly creative.   

Sadly, when we are in this experience, we rarely give thanks or understand the blessing.  Our awareness is only that we feel good.  It is when we remain conscious of these times of perfect balance, we can recreate it accordingly.

We can create this experience through chanting, tuning forks, music, meditation, yoga or prayer.  It is a matter of grounding the self with Mother Earth, feeling her energy through the bottoms of our feet.  We can visualize her crystal core sending vibrations up through our legs.  As this energy is flowing up through our spine, we can be reaching upwards for the Divine.  Once our connection is felt with Divine Energy above, we can pull it down into our body through our head.  The vibrations from below will swirl with the energy from above, and we will feel incredible peace and calm.

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