Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hugs To Go Around

Hay House Daily Meditations's photo. 

It has only been a week since my daughter happily returned to her lovely home, and yet I miss her hugs already.  My friend, Brenda posted this picture from Hay House Meditations on Facebook.

Our family consists of huggers.  We hug to greet and we hug during our good-byes, but we also hug throughout the day.  Our hugs sometimes last for extended minutes, just holding each other, and soaking up each other's energy and spirit. 

Hugging is exchanging energy, while extending warmth and comfort.  Although it may make some uncomfortable, there is a connection made that otherwise is not experienced.  It is through the embrace that for moments we do not feel alone nor judged.  We feel a oneness and acceptance. 

Hugs are bittersweet as  they offer such pleasure and yet there is a sadness knowing we will have to let go.  It is the dance of life ... coming together, parting, and returning to each other again. 

We all need physical touch.  Don't forget our wonderful pets, too.  They need hugs as well.


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