Monday, January 13, 2014

Beyond Judgment


"Love is the light that dissolves
all walls between souls."
Paramahansa Yogananda 
When our core grows stronger and we are more comfortable in our true self, it is easier to let down the walls and embrace others. Being open and being vulnerable are two different things. It is somewhat easy to be open to other peoples ideas, intentions, and dreams, as it requires us to simply listen without filters.  I can do this and I can do this well.
Being vulnerable is an entirely different calling.  It invites us to stand without protection of any kind.  It requires us to be who we truly are even though we have faults, weaknesses, and negative reflections.  Vulnerable, we extend love to ourselves and others, creating a space to connect to all that is. 
Love is truly a light capable of leading us into and out of darkness of many shapes and forms.   Love is a form of energy that emits positive frequencies in preparation to accept all others.  Love does not mean condoning violence or abuse of any kind, but it does ask us to see through the actions without judgment and love the soul hidden inside. 
I once knew a senior volunteer who looked like the perfect image of a loving grandmother.  She met with a young high school student who had giant holes in his ears, tattoos, and piercings.  He approached this volunteer situation with great skepticism.  For six weeks, the grandma volunteer sat listening, nodding her head and never breaking eye contact.  The teen talked the entire hour spilling out garbage to shock the elder, but without any reaction from her, he eventually expressed deep hidden feelings.  At the end of the six weeks, the young man said this elder was the wisest woman he had ever met.   She had never said one word.
I like to think of love as air, gently floating above, below, and through us, forming an invisible sense of comfort.   It penetrates walls, it heals old wounds, and it helps us feel connected to others ... pets, nature, or friends.  Love can be a silent embrace or words unspoken. It can be gestures or acts of kindness. Sometimes love calls us to just be present to witness life.

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