Monday, January 6, 2014

Blanket of Snow


Stillness is the altar of Spirit.
~ Paramahansa Yogananda
Winter is my least favorite time of the year, but there is something to be said about the beauty of a snow fall.  I love when the snow has not yet been disturbed and everything is graced with a covering of white lace.  Watching the snow, flakes gently fall displaying a gracefulness that leaves me in awe.  There is just something magical about untouched snow, especially at night with lights barely aglow.
I have no desire to go out and play, but I cannot help myself from stepping out to feel the wetness upon my face.  My exposed hands welcome the gathering snow as though I were being blessed by the fluttering of the immaculate snow. 
Nature finds a way to speak to us during every cycle.  It reaches out to us, hoping to connect through wintry displays, flowers springing forth, abundant growth in the summer and harvest in the fall.  Each season can be inspiring if we just allow the beauty to attract us.  For this we must pause from our busyness, and look with loving eyes.
I will remain inside, by the fireplace of course.  I will read, write, and nap, but the falling snow outside of my window, still calls to me.  At length, I remain mesmerized by nature's delicate gesture of covering Mother Earth in silence with a blanket of snow..

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