Sunday, December 22, 2013

Hold Open the Heart

"Open my heart to true caring and pure love.
Let my words and deeds be motivated
by sincerity and kindness."
Alan Cohen
The holiday season whether Hanukkah or Christmas is filled with mind chatter.  We worry about buying special gifts, looking the best we can, serving the best food, and saying the proper thing.  None of these things matter and yet they fill our minds with endless self-consciousness.
Our intention is what matters most, so if our intention is to love and be loved, we need to be presenting ourselves just as we are ... imperfect but loving and caring.  When we are directly in sync with who we are and what we truly care about, our choices will be governed by our own inclinations, not others.  We will not be striving to preform or meet impossible standards.  Let our goal or intention be as simple as holding our heart open, shinning light and love.  Those around us will remember how they felt ... loved and accepted ... more readily than what we were wearing or serving.
Let our words be filled with joy and appreciation.  Allow them to fill the air without judgment or expectation.  Embrace others just as they are in hopes they will return the favor.  Discern the strengths of others and offer recognition, especially with children. 
When it is all said and done, we will be left feeling whole even though we gave generously.  We will appreciate our personal integrity, and our ability to be truly comfortable with our lovely selves no matter where we go or what we do.

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