Thursday, December 26, 2013

A More Direct Journey


Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.
David Whyte
House of Belonging

Over the holidays, we tend to gather with friends, neighbors, and relatives that we might not regularly see.  At odd times, we may feel disconnected with some of these acquaintances to the point of feeling guilty.  With hindsight, we may even feel sad about how things just feel differently.

Other people change and so do we, as it is the dance of life.  In either situation,  emotionally departing or being left behind, a newly established distance may be uncomfortable.   This separation is a necessary step to create new space for new growth.  Letting go can be difficult if we focus just on the loss we feel.  We desire to remain comfortable in our predictable surroundings. When we turn our eyes forward, believing new opportunity is forthcoming, we can prepare patience for transition.

It is during the holidays when emotions are a little closer to the surface, that we may be more aware of relationship change.  As the New Year approaches, it is a good time to take stock of what no longer supports us and what will invigorate our passage of transition.

To a certain degree, we once again need to face what is best suited for our own healthy boundaries.  The questions remain the same, "Who makes me feel burdened and who brings me alive?"  This is not about judgment or a false sense of superiority.  It is about truly knowing the 'self' so that we can pursue a more directed journey.

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