Monday, March 4, 2024

Tainted Listening

"We don't hear what someone said;
we imagine what they mean."
Byron Katie

As words are spoken, we attach meaning to each one based upon our own personal experiences. So from the beginning, we may be headed in the wrong direction. Emotionally, we fill in the blanks that appear in pauses during the conversation. We also slant the conversation towards what we mostly want to hear.

It is no wonder misunderstandings occur, even when we are deliberately trying to be simply present. In our determination to understand what is being shared, we may hang on to each word rather than going with the flow of the conversation. We prioritize phrases or take them out of context which leads us farther astray.

Preconceived ideas easily taint the truth being revealed. A difficult scenario may be described and in our eagerness to identify, we choose to relate based upon our own experience rather than on what is being described. Even though we do these things out of eagerness to please, it is a faulty and detrimental approach.

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