Saturday, March 9, 2024

Dumping Stuff

"Only those who look with the eyes of children
can lose themselves in the object of their wonder."
Eberhard Arnold

For many of us, it has taken years to accept that we are worthy of communicating directly with the Divine. Within that time, we also discovered that our fears, weaknesses, and desperate need for help could be placed in the hands of God. Ultimately, we finally learn to engage with life with Divine guidance by our side.

We may beg for understanding, healing, and direction, but often leave it abruptly at that. We fail to watch for answers and neglect to hear spiritual communication. We dump our 'stuff' and then move on. Divine Spirit must often times sigh at our inability to hold the self accountable and capable of positive discovery.

If we have forgotten how to look through the eyes of the innocent, ready for enchantment and magical correction, take a seat at a park bench near a playground. Simply watch the endearing trust of a child and notice his or her spontaneous joy. This too can be ours if we simply remember that we are still children of the Divine. 

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