Friday, August 4, 2023

Sanctuary Within

"The inner world of imagination becomes a sanctuary of hope and promise, 
a place of retreat for feelings and thoughts 
where seeds of individuality and creativity incubate."
Jean Shinoda Bolen

Imagination offers a safe place where we can release, recreate, and set positive intention, all without outside intervention or judgment. It is a quiet area where we can release tension and regain balance. We can sort through debris and cleanse our hearts. Projections can be made for better tomorrows.

Inner Sanctuaries are a retreat where memories of violence, abuse, or alienation can be released. The silence encourages the incubation of courage to rediscover our true spirit squelched by oppression. A healing inner life begins to take form. The goal is to remember our authenticity, and envision the return to spiritual alignment. 

In our inner world, we shed the false myths of being 'bad' or responsible for others failures. We resurrect our sense of goodness and build courage to begin again with love. Our value is once again unearthed, and slowly, we experience a sense of value.  The life forced upon us is no longer acceptable and we set out to discover worlds seen and unseen.

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