Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Lead By Example


"The world is changed by your example,
not by your opinion."
Paulo Coelho

When we gather with others, numerous opinions are voiced, laced with criticism and judgment. Sit patiently, not interrupting the tirade. When the steam runs out, quietly ask what the orator is personally doing to address these very problems. Excuses may include: not having money; no political influence; and not having the time.

When we hold ourselves accountable, we can break down almost any issue to a level where we can contribute or become involved. As we stop focusing on what we cannot do, and decipher what we can do, corrective measures begin. With any form of behavior, the first step is often times the hardest.

If we have done nothing about a situation, what gives us the right to criticize others? We may not be able to resolve discord, but there is certainly an element of support within our means. Both donating and volunteering are free. We may not have millions, but a few dollars is better than zero!

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