Sunday, September 11, 2022

Lingering Triggers


"I release any energies and emotions that are not mine."
Lee Harris

September 11th continues to trigger fear, sorrow, and grieving.  It is a date remembered that reminds us of how vulnerable we are and how uncertain life can be.  It is helpful to expand our thoughts recalling the ability of strangers to become literal life saviors and sacrificial lambs.  

September 11th is a day we remember where we were, who we were with and how our routines were altered.  Some of us were sent home from work, stranded in airports, or  contained in make shift safe places. Communications on many levels went silent.  A buffet of fear filled body, mind, and spirit.

We grieve the loss of lives, the innocence of coddled thinking, and the sense of security in our country.  Our shift of awareness hit high levels and mistrusting natures peaked.  In spite of sorrow, some chose to band together to work towards peace ... individually and collectively.

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