Sunday, September 25, 2022

Individualistic Design


"Our value is our time, our energy, and the
uniqueness of our being."
Lee Harris

There is only so much time, so how are we going to use it?  Our body only has so much energy, where will we spend it?  How are we going to highlight our unique presence in this existence?  If we gather time, energy, and uniqueness, we will be prepared to unfold.

When we are busily looking outside of our lovely selves, we minimize our own worth.  If we give excessive recognition to others, we reduce the amount for the self.  We are called to invest in who we are and how we will impact the world.

A child's story reflected the life of an ant living in a jungle with wild beasts.  The message was to be the best ant you could possibly be.  Focus on personal strengths finding work that triggers joy and fulfillment. Glory in the space that is truly natural to individualistic design.

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