Friday, May 20, 2022

Two Sides of Me

"At the center of your being, you have the answer;
you know who you are and you know what you want."
Lao Tzu

One part of me expands with the rhythm of life, bathing in sunshine and dreaming in starlight, while the other part of me attempts to hide in the shadows, minimizing my presence in the greater scheme of things. 

Whiplash occurs as I bounce back and forth between these two dynamics.  Being lost in nothingness stunts awareness and micromanaging disallows the flow of the Universe. Emotionally and physically, the cost of not being aligned takes a toll.  

These opposing parts can gently be brought together.  In the morning,  I ask myself 'what is the most important thing I wish to attract today?'    In the evening, I ask 'what was significant about this day?'  These two questions tend to increase meaning in my life and appreciation for what is already present.


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