Saturday, March 19, 2022

Deter Varmints

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."

Spring is approaching and our thoughts randomly turn to bird feeders.  We choose a particular seed or mix to attract particular birds.  We may even apply thin layers of vaseline on posts to deter squirrels from gaining access.

We, too, are in need of particular feedings and it is detrimental to our growth if we do not choose carefully.  If we choose life styles, regimes, and practices that do not uphold our belief system, we will not be fed.  If we blindly digest thoughts, actions, and rules of others, we may not prosper at all.

As mundane as it sounds, we do not feed dog food to a cat nor cat food to our fish.  The same is true for humans.  We are called to be creatively diligent to discover what nourishes are body, mind and soul.  As we hold our lovely selves accountable, it will be easier to deter approaching varmints! 

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