Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Breakthroughs Broadening Horizons

"As you experience changes and breakthroughs, know that integrity,
honesty, and truth are the highest vibrating energies to guide you forward.
Everything else will fall away."
Molly McCord

When we change from being a 'people pleaser' to turning nurturing inward, it is easy to think we are being selfish.  If we speak our truth humbly, we might feel like we are being judgmental.  As we begin to see clarity in our reality, we may feel overwhelmed.

The key, of course, is to experience our breakthrough, but house it in a clean environment.  Do not stack it upon old piles of clutter or share it where it will be criticized.  Hold true to personal integrity while moving forward.

We each have a gift to bring into this world.  One is not greater than another, as all are needed to form the whole.  Do not discredit passion, dreams, and sudden opportunities.  Walk gently upon the chosen path, allowing what is no longer needed to fall away.


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