Friday, June 1, 2018

Entitlement and Intention

"Man is not, by nature, deserving of all that he wants.
When we think that we are automatically entitled to 
something, that is when we start walking all over 
others to get it."
Criss Jami Diotima 

After interviewing for a job I truly desired, I was called back for a second interview.  The departing director was present and she asked me numerous questions as to how I planned to improve and expand the program they currently offered. Imagination coursed through my veins.  I had held a similar position previously, so colorful details flowed  and I expertly replied to every inquiry.  I knew from the expressions and feedback from the board, I had this nailed!

The call finally came and I had my acceptance speech prepared.  I had worked hard in my career and I deserved this better position based on what I had to offer in experience and education. The board member, however,  kindly informed me that the position had been filled by someone else.  I was shocked and inquired as to  who was hired.  The gentleman kind of laughed and said the retiring director loved my ideas and she decided she was far from completing her involvement with the program.

From a different perspective, I viewed the situation from the program's current director.  I believe she may have felt my false sense of entitlement and misconstrued my forthcoming enhancements as a negative judgment of her program.  Although I never intended to walk all over this other woman, in hindsight, I can imagine my bloated sense of self challenged her.  I did learn a lesson, but interestingly enough, the entire program shut down a few months later which made me ponder her own sense of entitlement.

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