Tuesday, October 24, 2017

To Not Be Forgotten

"Books deliver information so that experience 
has a chance to exercise creativity."
Richard Diaz

A retired English Professor maintained a relationship with one of her students who became a recognized author.  Over the years, meetings between them grew in directions stretching both of their ideas, styles, and creativity.  It vitalized the professor and stimulated the author.

The author had numerous ideas, but they never seemed to manifest with depth until after a session with his mentor.  He would encourage her to recall episodes in her life and favorite passages in books which brightened her disposition and added color to her face.  

A reader discovers the author's books that contain excerpts from the retired prof's career and is propelled into a journey of his or her own.   The book expands the compassion of the reader who in turn carries the message of the author and the tales of the teacher out into the world to not be forgotten. 

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