Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Move The Hell On ...


"Bad stuff does happen sometimes, always remember that
but remember that you have to move on somehow. You
just pick your head up and stare at something beautiful 
like the sky or the ocean and you move the hell on."
James Patterson

Even with the smallest sensitivity, we absorb the individual pain of personal loss as well as the collective pain of the world.  We may feel overwhelmed by sorrow or suffocated by fear.  It is difficult to control our individual behaviors or the actions of locals, but the control over massacres is nonexistent.

We can find a healing for our personal loss and volunteer locally to assist in the loss of a community, but what does one do for those harmed in Boston, Ferguson, or Las Vegas?  What parcel do you send to heal the wounds of those residents or visitors violated, maimed or life taken away?

If we turn to the ocean, the waves may soothe our aching hearts.  When we turn to the sky, the moon beams light through us and we can find hope in the dancing stars.  We can stroll through a park and listen to the trees and falling leaves, hoping our heavy thoughts will be will be blown away by a gentle breeze.  What toll this violence takes upon the heart, but we move on dreaming of peace.

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