Friday, November 4, 2016

Time for Tune Up!

"Make what you feed yourself, in thought, in feeling,
as well as in your belly, a positive experience and the
change will be electric."  Kristin Fontana

Bodies need to be fed more than a healthy diet.  They require fresh input, digestive thought, and clarification of feelings being absorbed.   Negative information needs to be extracted, clearing space for uncovered dreams or desires to be manifested.

Exercise awakens the body, and it also clears the mind.  Walking in nature, yoga or meditation assists in overall body strength.   Creating music or poetry, sculpting or sketching or visuals of the mind  assist in maintaining health. The potential for longevity is greater when our body, mind, and spirit are aligned.    

This is not new information for any of us.  We know this in our hearts and minds, but we neglect to delegate energy or time to follow through.  We have choices and hoodwink ourselves by thinking the perfect time or space will magically appear.  Our personal commitment is needed today ... not tomorrow, next week, a designated month or next year.  The time for a tune up is now!

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