Saturday, November 12, 2016

Counter Balance the Flow

"Every new place we visit -
be it a foreign country,
a budding friendship,
a child's birth,
or a new job -
evokes a new world within us."
Harriet Lerner

When I am present in a moment with an open heart, newness is birthed. With clear vision, I see the beauty in all that surrounds me.  As the only constant in life is change, nothing is what it once was.  The physical, emotional, and spiritual are in a continuous stream of flowing change.

I first notice change in energy and how it vibrates around me.  Emotions splayed across the human face are detectors of the internal movement.  Listen for the message even if it is unspoken.  Can I hear hope, surrender or devastation?

My world responds to those near and far.  I am impacted by decisions or lack of decisions on the part of others.  I am not helpless, however, as my own energy can counter balance the flow approaching me.  If I choose to engage in the chaos, I will be pulled into drama.  If I simply stand present allowing light to flow from me, I can impact another world too.

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