Monday, November 9, 2015

Veil Between Us

"They all dreamed of each other that night, as was natural, considering how close
the partitions were between them, and how strangely they had been lifted off
the earth to sit next to each other in mid-ocean, and see every detail of each 
others' faces, and hear whatever they chanced to say."

Virginia Woolf
The Voyage Out

Deciphering Dreams has been a long time passion of mine.  Over the years, I have learned definitions, symbols, and themes to better understand the life I live.  I maintained a dream journal for seven years, and I have made community, college, and private presentations. Dreams are truly a language speaking to us.

Thomas Moore, author, musician, and spiritualist, (Care of the Soul; Dark Nights of the Soul; and A Religion of One's Own) visited the subject of dreams recently during an interview with Oprah.  The one time monk, university professor, and psychotherapist, refers to dreams as the language of the soul.  He describes our dreams as returning home to the 'womb of the spirit'.

By not understanding the meanings of our dreams, we are missing significant information which would propel us further into the depths of life.  Through symbolism and portrayal of characters, we come to educate ourselves in a very colorful way.  When we are observing our dreams, we have a broader perspective of each individual piece as well as the overall significance.  When we share our dreams with others, we become more aware of the thin veil between us.

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