Thursday, November 5, 2015

Express the Knowings ...

"There is in all visible things ... a hidden wholeness."

Thomas Merton

My gaze wanders up from the page and all of my senses slip into hyper alert.  There is magic in the air, and the veil between worlds begins to billow and gather energies around me.  I open my mind to this sacred presence, to deeply understand whatever can be shared with me.  I pry open my heart with humility, praying this experience will explain eternity.  

My mind is being unpacked, sorting out my varied beliefs.  Hidden meanings are seeping deeper and yet more graphically  in front of me.  I begin to connect the dots of my random thoughts, stringing them together as the thread flows around the spiral, circling within and outside of me. 

There are volumes to be understood behind each written word, soothing my questions, doubts, and fears.  Sitting perfectly still, memorizing every hue, shape, and vibration, my spirit continues to blend into all there is.  By tomorrow it will all be gone.  The colors will have faded, shapes distorted, and vibration toned back down.  There will not be a language to express the knowings, now safely planted in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful to open your blog and find this! Thank you, blessings!
