Friday, October 9, 2015

Join New Forces

"People will notice the change in your attitude towards them,
but won't notice their behavior that made you change."

The Law of Attraction

A friend does not discourage our personal growth nor does he or she disapprove of our individuality.  Love for each other inspires us to look into a heart and listen beyond the words.    This takes time and if our friend  is not willing to invest in our relationship, then we must explore what exactly this friendship is costing us.

It is advantageous to step back when our feelings are continuously being squelched.  Create a slight distance to discover the reaction of the friend.  Do they inquire after you?  Do they ask what is wrong?  In this distance we may realize our friend is aware of a change, but not willing to accept responsibility for correction or improvement.  It may feel like once we stop 'feeding' them, they move on to another source.

When we are disillusioned with people, we need to expand our list of  friends to include those  who are willing to share in our common interests.  We may seek resources where we are able to come into contact with like minded people.  Through individual nurturing, we can maintain our dignity and peace of mind until we can join new forces.

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