Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Condescending Words

"If  something  seemingly bad  happens and your  reaction is negative,
you create more of the same.  Many people are trapped in a continuous
stream of 'bad' things that befall them.  At any moment you can change
your life by changing how your react or respond."

Eckhart Tolle

The condescending words were like an uninvited guest and I was ill prepared to receive them.  With laughter, I tried to diffuse the situation, while the biting words began to eat away at my heart.  Thinking I may have misunderstood, I looked directly into his face hoping for a reprieve, but found nothing but a sneer.

Being quick of wit, a thousand comebacks raced through my mind, wanting to beat this intruder at his own game. I felt my entire  body gathering harsh energy, red hot anger, and the intense desire to put this person in his place. As I took deep breath, however, there was time to remember that this fiery response was the old way, and the new way guides me through thoughts of compassion, forgiveness, and release.

If I engaged in a firestorm of negative words, no one would be better for it.  In time I would regret not taking the higher road by sinking into the depths of derogatory statements regardless if they were true or not.  Nothing would be resolved.  "I am sorry you feel that way," I heard myself say, "but, I like myself just fine."   I removed myself from the situation not judging him, but most importantly, respecting my lovely self.

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