Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Prompted By Spirit

"If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet;
 how important you can be to the people you may never dream of.      There is 
something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person."

Fred Rogers

When we offer our lives to the Divine, we are randomly used as an instrument to deliver authentic messages to others.  Perhaps the person has asked for a sign.  Spirit then prompts us into an action releasing little seeds of support.  We may not even remember saying anything or we may walk away scratching our heads, wondering why we uttered such nonsense.  We are usually not aware of the investment we just made in the life of one other.

Rarely are we fully cognizant of the imprint we leave upon others.  An anonymous kindness, financial assistance, or a simple gesture may brighten a life hidden in darkness.  We may be delivering a reason to follow a dream, to have courage to face a problem, or to finally bring balance back into life.

There has been both strangers and dear friends who have unknowingly touched my life in a way that will never be forgotten.  Their presence or words of encouragement were gifts or roadsigns to help me move out of  the drama in my life.  I was open to receiving the voice of others when I could barely use my own.

Whenever we are prompted to speak up or take action, please do, as we are playing a part in a greater plan.  We are connecting dots that might not otherwise be joined together.  What we think of as random acts of kindness may be the prompting of Spirit, guiding us to help.

1 comment:

  1. How perfect for me to read this at this very moment. Thank you and blessings!
