Friday, April 3, 2015

Listen Inside and Out

"Much as we long for external signs that point the way to the future, we must settle for inner signals that alert us to the proximity of new beginnings. The most important of these signals begins as a faint intimation of something different, a new theme in the music, a strange fragrance on the breeze. Because the signal is very subtle, it is difficult to perceive when other stimuli are strong - and that is why we naturally, if unconsciously, seek emptiness and quietness in times of life transition. This first hint may take the form either of an inner idea or of an external opportunity, its hallmark being not a logical sign of validity but the 'resonance' it sets up in us."
William Bridges 
'"Much as we long for external signs that point the way to the future, we must settle for inner signals that alert us to the proximity of new beginnings. The most important of these signals begins as a faint intimation of something different, a new theme in the music, a strange fragrance on the breeze. Because the signal is very subtle, it is difficult to perceive when other stimuli are strong - and that is why we naturally, if unconsciously, seek emptiness and quietness in times of life transition. This first hint may take the form either of an inner idea or of an external opportunity, its hallmark being not a logical sign of validity but the 'resonance'  it sets up in us."

William Bridges | Artwork by @[708260665859481:274:Daria Petrilli]

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Artwork by Daria Petrilli 

Transitioning is a process combining both external action and internal comprehension.  To make a transformation, a person succeeds when effort is equally used from the body, mind and spirit.  By using all that is available to us, we create new purpose and release old agendas.
As stated many times before, to be alert in the outer world helps us learn of opportunities; but, we must also be awake within our desires so a fulfilling alignment can be made.  When we are balanced with both inward and outward interests, we remain consistent and focused anticipating parts coming together.
If one happy day, we wish for one thing, and on a sad day request the opposite, our energy cannot gain momentum in either direction.  We must make certain what our spirit is yearning for and then anticipate the form it may manifest.  Leave room for imagination and surprise as we frequently end up with more than what has been asked for! 

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