Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Five Minute Celebrations

A guest, Elaine, at our writers group shared her new five minute celebration.  It involved taking pause to recognize the good we do or the small completions that otherwise may go unnoticed.  Instead of using energy to override the inner critic, why not use it to focus on small achievements.
This  gesture of celebration has lifted my spirits and has had an overall validation of all things great and small.  When I am with a child, I hear myself say, “You did it, you did it!”  When I walk my lovely dog, Bella, I repeatedly tell her, “Good girl, good girl!” So in the briefest of moments sprinkled throughout my day, I now hear my own words, “Good job, good job!”
It takes so little time to make a child smile or a pet wag it’s tail.  Such little effort with wonderful results.  It just requires awareness and a few kind words.  Words, lovely, lovely words.

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