Thursday, May 8, 2014

To Be Present For A Friend

"It's better to write about things you feel
than about things you know about."
L.P. Hartley
It is not a secret that I belong to a writers group.  We have been together for several years and we are very eclectic and diverse.  We hold our meetings in various places in the community, but recently we have been loitering in Edgar's sponsored by Goodwill.  The cafe seems to welcome us and not mind us occupying one of their big tables.  The staff is very friendly and we do above and beyond in supporting their foods and coffees.
As often times happens, another large table was hosting a group of women of varying ages.  I would estimate three generations were represented.  One of the writers noticed something had happened.  When we viewed the other table, all of the women were hovering around  a woman representing the elders.  It was easy to assume the woman was experiencing a stroke or a heart attack,
On of our writers knew a woman in the other group, so she immediately went to assist.  The remainder of our group said prayers, positive  thoughts and spiritual light.  The staff at the cafe swiftly alerted medical response teams.
I am mentioning this incident for one reason alone.  Not that it was an emergency nor a difficult health situation.  My intention is to comment on the actions of the surrounding women.  They were not filled with drama nor were they weeping and sobbing when the ailing woman lost consciousness and did not register a pulse.  These women were nothing but compassion and love.  As a group they stood with respect and loving kindness.  All of them remained clearly present, prepared to witness whatever unfolded in spite of their triggered personal emotions.
In time, the woman regained consciousness and was transported to the hospital. We were able to focus once again within our own group.  All of us did comment on how this incident effected us.
Before I left,  I approached these ladies telling them they  were like gathering angels for their friend.  How wonderful to have friends gathered around us and loving us, during a difficult situation.  Friends willing to be spiritually present in any stage of our unfolding.  We all stood and exchanged hugs which  reaffirmed their kind actions.  They all seemed  to be relieved, trusting they did the best any one could do ... just by being present.


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