Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunshine in Our Soul

"All the music I write is a search for myself."
Bruce Hornsby

Although we are not always cognizant of it, all stages of life are a search for our true self.  We have little seeds growing within us needing to be stimulated by additional nurturing.  Ideas once cultivated stretch and grow.  We are our own gardener, plucking weeds from our rich soil.  In haste we may pull an entire pod of dreams right out, casting it as though it were a weed.  With hindsight, we realize that we had discarded the potential for a magical moment.

Some years, we may grow one agenda of ideas while in other years, we may nurture something entirely different.  We rotate the soil learning through draught and flood.  In time we gather enough experience to guide us with balance for a bumper crop.

No matter what stage of life we happen to be experiencing, there is always something new to discover.  We come across an age old held desire or a new sprout of inspiration.  As seasoned gardeners, we can plant what we know will produce happiness or as young whipper-snappers we can have the courage to experience anew. 

We are responsible for what we cultivate in our lives.  Where we place our focus, passion, and desire is where we will discover our results.  If we are unhappy with our crop, then we need to plant something new.
A gardener is creative, and attentive, with plenty of follow through.  Do not let weeds choke out inner dreams that need space to grow with protection.  Allow plenty of sunshine in our soul!

1 comment:

  1. Very insightful Virginia and inspiring, I caught myself engulfed in the feed on my page and had to come here to read the rest.
