Tuesday, November 5, 2013

This Sacred Place


Mother Earth, beneath us all
Hear us now, answer our call.
Enter this home, this sacred place
Heal all who live within this space.
Denise Linn
When we enter our private space, we feel immediately safe and protected.  When we are positioned within our personal boundary, we feel comforted and loved.  If we do not, we need to to do something to adjust our living quarters creating an atmosphere of welcome and support.
There are many ways to create a special atmosphere no matter how small  or large our living quarters offer to us.  We can clear our space through sound, symbols, aromatherapy, essential oils, energy work or the art of placement of items in the house.  When people move into a new home, they often have a house blessing.  This can consist of special rituals, songs, and drumming.  Prayers can be said in each room creating a sense of new beginnings, and erasing any past from the previous dwellers. There are also actions that can be taken around the home as a symbol of protection or honoring the land.
Denise Linn authored several books, one being, "SACRED SPACE".  Within it, this book offers numerous suggestions as to how to clear our homes.  It is quite broad embracing detailed ceremonies to simply lighting a candle in prayer. 
Too often, we forget how our negative energy builds within our space at home or at work.  We really need to be mindful to cleanse our living or work space on a regular basis.  This can be done as elaborately or as simply as to what we desire.  Mostly, individuals carry out these actions, but gathered friends can create a spiritual experience by joining together.

As a matter of fact, through meditation we can individually send healing energy to a person by simply visualizing them and covering them with light.  Or we may choose to mentally walk through their home extending a warm light into all of the rooms.  If we have family traveling, we can silently send light through meditation into and surrounding the car. 

As we become more spiritually aware of our surroundings, we will discover our selves to be more peaceful and at ease.  This positive energy impacts everyone living in our home or visiting.  It creates a more peaceful working environment for  the self as well as co-workers.  As we maintain this sacred place, we will be more apt to honor and celebrate our walk on mother earth.

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