Friday, November 22, 2013

Cautiously Available

by George Frederich Watts, 1864
(painting of wife, Dame Ellen Terry)

Let the gifts stitch or cut the web,
let what needs to come together or break apart,
come together or break apart.  Let the miracles,
even the ones we don't want or see, unfold.
Mark Nepo

A brilliant idea surfaces and we squelch it through negative thinking before it can even take root.  Almost automatically, our reaction to change, even when it is for the best, turns into resistance.  An opportunity of a life time can appear and we can mentally hear our brakes screeching us to a halt.  We just need to get out of our own way.
It is a wonderment to me as to why we instinctively over ride new thought through negativity rather than affirmation.  Why one over the other and why repeatedly?  What has been ingrained in us to react with fear instead of anticipation?  Even with calculated risks, we tend to drag our feet.
If there is a 50 percent chance of a dream coming true and a 50 percent chance of a dream not coming true, it can be a winning situation either way.  For even when a dream does not unfold as anticipated, there is still reward in the challenge.  We learn through the experience whether it flourishes or withers. 
So the next  time there is resistance in our minds, try to over come the feeling with a willingness to be cautiously available to the experience.  We can try to hold our heart open just a little longer or delve into a creative project more deeply.  No one wants to be blindsided, but we can miss too many opportunities by allowing a premature stop.  Allow the situation to unfold gradually, utilizing a preferred pace. 
When we can embrace changes or random opportunities with an attitude of gratitude, we tend to find a cadence in sync with our desire.  Our talents become better defined and we find our lovely selves no longer withering on the vine.

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