Sunday, October 7, 2012

Coffee Puddles

Unknown to her the rigid rule,
the dull restraint,
the chiding frown,
the weary torture of the school,
the taming of wild nature down.

John Greenleaf Whittier
American Writer (1807-1892)

It all began with coffee puddles.  They some how threw me into a tizzy.   I had not set the automatic program correctly on my new coffee pot.  The new coffee pot pours differently from my old faithful and it dripped all over the counter ... tiny puddles everywhere.  Puddles are not all that bad, except I had just meticulously cleaned the counter from the coffee grinder episode.  Why does a grinder have to have so many choices?  I could die before I work my way through all of the levels! And why am I buying beans when it would be easier to just buy it ground!

Muttering all of the way to the bathroom, I recalled how annoying all of the charge card machines were different as well.  Some slide on the sides, while others across the top.  I often wait for permission from the clerk to swipe my card, but then she tells me she can't make the transaction until I use the card.  Why are they not all the same? 

It is no different with computers or cell phones.  If you buy a new phone, then you also have to purchase a new charger, case, car charger, etc...  They are not compatible and of course this earns the companies more money.  The same with computers. If you purchase a new computer, chances are good that the old key board or mouse won't be supported by the new system.  The only company kind enough to be interchangeable is Apple.  They have one keyboard and it fits everything!  And even at the monetary loss of providing their customers this convenience, aren't they the company who has sky rocketing stock?

By this time, I have worked myself into a frenzy and when I step out of the shower.  I am once again perplexed by how much my replaced hair dryer has altered the positions of the high/low button.   Is this a conspiracy to drive me over the edge?

The word rigidity snakes across my consciousness.  Me, rigid?  I think not!  I am expansive, not inflexible.  Am I not the one who has low tolerance for restraints like bras, headbands, and shoes?  Am I not the one who facilitated task forces for a variety of causes for change?  I loathe sameness.  I want diversity in my sheets, towels, clothes, books and dreams!

Harrumph!  I feel divided by differing parts of my self.  Is this just another vein to duality ... two sides to the coin?  I am hopelessly conflicted. 

I poured another cup of coffee and feeling disgruntled, mopped up the trail of coffee puddles as I went. 

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