Wednesday, August 29, 2012

He said, She said ...

The most precious gift we can offer anyone
is our attention.

Thich Nhat Hanh

He said:   If this guy doesn't make the next cut,
                 he'll be out of the tournament.
She said:  I don't feel so very well.

He said:   We better get some rain or the
                 our lawn will be fried!
She said:  I am not doing so very well.

He said:   If they don't win this game,
                 they can forget about the series.
She said:  I don't know what is wrong with me.

He said:   The markets are really unstable,
                  we really need to be careful with money.
She said:  I feel so alone.

He said:   My assistant is on vacation and
                 I have twice as much work to do.
She said:  I need you to be more present.

He said:   Are you finished? 
                 We need to go.
She said:  Did you hear anything I have said?

He said:   I'll get your coat.
She said:  Thank you.

Life can be lonely when we are not clearly present in the life of others.  We can be isolated even when surrounded by others if no one is listening.  We need to find our voice and speak up. 

For a listener to truly hear what you have to say, touch
his or her arm and maintain eye contact.  Be assertive, not aggressive.  Articulate the silence trapped within.  We have the right to speak our truth even if the listener doesn't agree.  We must use our voice!

Even if what we have to say is not important to others, it is important to us and deserves to be said out loud.  We need to learn to be good listeners our selves, as communication is the key to peaceful living.

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