Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Masculine and Feminine

There is a collective force rising up
on the earth today,
an energy of the reborn feminine ...
This is a time of monumental shift,
from the male dominance of human consciousness
back to a balanced relationship
between masculine and feminine.

Marianne Williamson

Eastern culture teaches us there is a masculine and feminine side to each living person. Masculine elements associated with the right side of the body could be described as assertive, powerful, cerebral, giving, determined ... qualities relating to the career or approach to business in your life. Our feminine side associated with the left side of the body could be described as gentle, creative, receiving, emotional, intuitive, embracing ... qualities relating to relationships in our lives. So each of us has
a masculine and feminine side no matter what gender we happen to be.

Ideally, we balance both parts, masculine and feminine within ourselves. As a woman, there are times when we need to be aggressive and driven, just as there are times we need to be gentle and creative. As a man, there are times when we need to be tender and loving, just as there are times to be strong willed. Whether we are a man or a woman, it is beneficial to be able to swiftly move between both sides and to not be stuck just in one side. 

If we are a survivor, perhaps we had to stay very masculine and hide our feminine side. A man may not feel safe expressing his emotions when he is fighting for his family's livelihood. A single mom may have to stay very masculine to compete in her field of business. But if we stay stuck in a masculine adrenaline push, a toll is taken on our body. We strip our gears or simply burn out. We must initiate balance, allowing for the body to release stress and rekindle the spirit.

If we become stuck on the feminine side, we do not have good boundaries to protect our selves or even our families. We can be overcome by emotion or depression that keeps us small. It is then we need to use our masculine side to reach out for resources, avoiding the role of victim.

The same holds true not only personally, but in relationship between men and women. As our culture evolves embracing diversity and offering balance or equality to gender, ethnicity, and diversity, we more fully grow into our full self. It is okay for a man to express or demonstrate appropriate emotion, just as it is acceptable for a woman to be driven by her career. If we all respect each other and honor each others decisions or choices, the climate of our culture becomes far more supportive and nurturing.

Ultimately, the male and female needs to be in harmony not only within the body but within the culture as well. By honoring each other and by respecting the spirit of an individual, our spirit soars.


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