Friday, September 27, 2024

Prohibiting Peace

"Peace is the absence of confusion."
Wu Tang

When we sort through confusion, new understanding generates an element of clarity. As we sift through uncertainty, revealing elements of direction surface. Hesitation allows time to select what is appropriate while moving forward. Learning to choose rather than react is key to  best case scenarios. 

Indecision allows time to evaluate, but when lingering too long, emotions dictate our actions rather than fairly assessing pros and cons. Fear restricts our progress forward and becoming stuck delays any sense of clarity. Confusion is minimized when we choose to center ourselves on a regular basis. 

Aligning the body, mind and spirit, we are in a position to effectively move through any sense of confusion. We are more likely to look at the facts, determine the best approach, and follow up with action. Even if minimal, taking action escalates us through uncertainty where we begin to view possible peace. 


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