Monday, July 1, 2024

The End and The Beginning ...

"Every ending is a beginning. 
We just don't know it at the time."
Mitch Albom

June is my birthday month reflecting back to me a year of lessons. I view this past 365 days from a neutral stance with an open mind. It is not about tallying success nor failure, but seeking instances acting as bookmarks from these days passed. An attempt is made to extract the knowledge that will best serve me.

As I gently turn to face a new month, I am mentally prepared to empty my mind for new incoming information. There are no expectations other than maintaining an open heart to understand my self, friends, and community. I have given up on trying to comprehend the chaos in our world.

Slowly, I have come to understand that the Universe has a plan with intentions to make me stronger, and wiser. My focus is going to be upon a sense of oneness and sharing energy wherever I go. I am no longer a tight bud and soon petals may begin to fall, but I will continue to strengthen my roots and offer love wherever I go.

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