Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Under the Umbrella

"Too many people today know the price of everything
and the value of nothing."
Ann Landers

In college, my sorority volunteered at a nursing home. There was one woman who reached for my hand, so I sat with her for a spell. She reminisced about 'things' she had acquired and how in time they meant so little. She said we needed to choose wisely the things we held under our umbrella.

It seemed odd at the time, but as I grew older, I began to understand that the world was at our fingertips, but did we really need it all? When we choose discriminatorily, each savored item takes on greater meaning than a vast collection of 'stuff'. So the question is, 'what will I hold under my umbrella?

Now, downsizing, there seems to be an incredible amount of things that are easily given away. It would seem the fewer favorite items had greater meaning than hoarded piles of debris. I am determined to hold valuable memories, spiritual aspirations, love for the sisters of my heart and gratitude for nature under my colorful umbrella!


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