Sunday, December 18, 2022

To Be True ...

"Hanukkah is about the freedom to be true to what we believe
without denying the freedom of those who believe otherwise."
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

When we truly believe in our own goodness, we are less likely to be threatened by others.  If we carry peace in our heart, our inner light beams.  As we maintain the vibration of radiance we will attract like minded spirits.

With integrity, we can respect rituals, rites of passage, and sacred scrolls, while candles beam love, the common link surrounding us all.  Just as there are many languages heard in our world,  Divine Spirit speaks to us in numerous and diverse ways.

Whether we offer a simple nod of respect or withdraw into private prayer, let us hold visions of peace.  As we light our candles whether in church, synagogue or sacred space, experience the warmth of love we all so richly deserve.

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