Sunday, November 20, 2022

"What About Me?"

"There are all kinds of fear:  anxiety about survival,
fear of pain and violence, and also fear of 
rejection, separation, and loneliness."
Pamela Kribbe

There are those who are worried about obtaining security and those who are concerned about losing freedom.  Many are facing failing health with concerns about medical expenses and personal pain.  As chaos increases there is worry about physical safety. At the core of it  all, resides the question of 'what about me' ...

Life continuously presents challenges which can trigger fear.  And although we cannot entirely eliminate fear, we can minimize it by looking at the basic emotions beneath it. There is a need to balance our anxiety by choosing positive thoughts, supported by supportive actions. 

When we maintain an appreciation for the self, we care less about what others think, and remember we will never please everyone.  As we experience separation, we can choose to use the space for renewal and restoration. If we choose to communicate with friends, nature, or spiritual connections, we reduce the sense of being alone.  We have the ability to adjust. 


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