Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Not Arrogance


"When people show you who they are ...  believe them."
Soul Expansion

There comes a time when we must quit deluding our lovely selves, and face the fact that we cannot change others unless they want to be changed.  And even then, they must take steps towards healing and  reconstruction without being carried by us.  

We sense or feel negativity, but tell our selves to take the higher ground, so we minimize.  Even when we are harmed emotionally or physically or spiritually, we try to be brave little soldiers ignoring our fear.

There is no arrogance in stepping back, refiguring and protecting.  When we choose to honor our selves rather than being a victim or a martyr, we no longer enable the wounded.  When we make the decision to walk away, we are respecting all involved to find honesty and truth.

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