Friday, June 10, 2022

Outside Forces


"He was swimming in a sea of other people's expectations.
Men have drowned in seas like that."
Robert Jordan

Men have been burned, not by heat, but by uncontrolled anger.  Men have drowned, not by water, but by overwhelming emotions.  Men have been buried, not by earth, but by falling into a non-physical hole.  Men have been swept away, not by air, but by being ungrounded.

Maintaining healthy boundaries will assist in disallowing outside forces to overly impact our  intended destinations.  It is important to reach out for an extended hand, but it is equally important to remember to let go.

When we are able to bring balance between our inner and outer worlds, we will discover a personal navigation system which will best meet our needs.  In order to discern healthy passageways, it is imperative to establish which direction one chooses to follow. 

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