Saturday, March 13, 2021

Just A Little Bit Wiser


"Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?"
Mary Oliver

There was a time when there were multiple opportunities to talk to fellow human beings.  Maybe sharing a seat on the bus or train, sharing a table in a crowded cafe or waiting in a long line preparing to board a cruise ship or plane.

Unexpected conversations unfolded during these brief encounters and some how the shared stories impacted our hearts indefinitely.  There is documentation that it is easier to unveil our most difficult experiences to total strangers.  Perhaps it is that we know we will not be held accountable nor will we ever see this person again.

These brief interludes were like reading CLIFF NOTES referencing a very long history.  One was able to voice simple highlights skipping across years or unearth a dark secret never revealed.  These shared times would enhance both lives, making each one just a little bit wiser..

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