Friday, September 1, 2017

Follow Through

"The only walls that exist are those you have placed in your mind.
And whatever obstacles you conceive, exist only because you have
forgotten what you have already achieved."
Suzy Kassem

Hesitation is useful prior to taking a leap, but we must be careful not to get stuck in the pause.    After hours of investing in an idea, a moment of second guessing can wipe out the entire work. Follow through is necessary for any plan, whether brilliant or creative.

In a discussion about the Divine giving us exceptional ideas in dreams or during visualization, the participants agreed that action is the key to achievement.  The common thought was we too often dilute radiance by thinking too much.

On occasion, we may hear of an inventor or entrepreneur who just knocked the socks off the public by presenting a spectacular idea or product.  In the hollows of our mind, we may remember having such an idea ourselves, but never followed through.  We are blessed with many options and opportunities but we must have follow through!

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