Monday, August 5, 2013

Accountability with Truth Telling

"A sister is a gift to the heart,
a friend to the spirit,
a golden thread
to the meaning of life.
Isodora James    

Hearing the truth can be bittersweet as it is often times painful even though beneficial.  It takes courage and bravery to tell the truth just as courage and bravery are needed in receiving the truth.  Both teller and receiver become most effective if they have an open heart, displaying kindness in the presence of truth.

Delivery of the truth can be categorized in many uncomplimentary ways, and we have all had experiences with harsh confrontations.  Truth needs to be spoken at an appropriate time, with affirmations attached escorted by compassion and encouragement.  Truth does not require a face off or humiliating drama. 

The longer we wait to speak our truth, the more difficult the task becomes.  The most perfect opportunity may arise, but we can decide to choose  the seemingly easy way out ... silence.  This chosen path of avoidance is rarely helpful and even tends to make things more complicated.

The circle of women I call, "Sisters of my Heart" hold great meaning for me. Above all, they offer me compassionate acceptance, loving tolerance, speak their truth and hold me to mine. In the best of times and in the worst of times, we strive for integrity. We are dedicated to using our authentic voices in thought, word and deed.  There is security while searching and exploring to know completely my sisters will hold me accountable just as I hold them accountable with truth telling.  With this trust of integrity, a great freedom cushions the meaning of my life.

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