Sunday, June 23, 2013

Someone Is At The Door


Ask, and it shall be given you;
 seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 
  – The Gospel According to Saint Matthew

Last night I was browsing through some magazines:  Architectural Digest, Country Living, and Real Simple, to name just a few.    Architectural Digest is quite impressive, filled with villas and properties costing millions to purchase and decorate.  The end result of course is habitats that are so formal one could never decide where one actually sat or relaxed.  The mansions are filled with insured treasures and museum quality art.  On the other hand, Country Living displays well invested homes containing objects from flea markets, and various collectibles offering spaces of comfort.  There was a time this magazine was on my 'must have' list and I read it from cover to cover many times.  My magazine of choice now happens to be Real Simple.  It offers reminders of how to be organized, healthy foods, personal products, ways to keep in shape (assuming one is in shape) all for a very quick read.  It is where I want to be for now, Real Simple.

In  Thought for the Day by Eknath Easwaran, he talks about all the time we spend making our cottage into a House Beautiful, and all of the money we invest in our lawn care and landscaping, but never open the door to the Divine Spirit waiting there. 

Eknath Easwaran states not only are not looking inside for Divine Spirit, most of the time we truly do not believe any one is present within us.  We become so busy decorating the outside of our selves and our living spaces, we never get around to inviting our Spiritual Guest to come in.  It is an interesting thought to invite Spirit in, to welcome the Divine inside, and to make room for spiritual evolution. 

Spirit is within us at all times and also surrounding us.  If we do not recognize Divine Presence it is due to the fact we are expecting a  vision, a miracle, or a shimmering robed guest. If we would just be open to receiving God in all forms, our days would be filled with the presence of Divine Spirit.  Hear the love of God in the singing of the birds.  See the majestic beauty in the clouds floating in the sky.  Taste the sweetness of life by dipping into the imaginary world of a child.  Feel the Divine through the experience of well intentioned hugs.  Fancy words are not required to welcome Spirit in. 

When we have successfully become aware of the beauty surrounding all of our senses and pay heed to it daily, we are then well trained to turn inward and do the same.   Listen for the whispers of God.  Close our eyes and see the never ending story unravel within us.  Taste the sweetness of life and feel the Universe moving energy within, stretching through physical boundaries until we are all one. 

We need to invite our guest in as the sacred has been waiting for a long time.  Spirit has always been present;  it is our individual self who has not been fully present in the Spiritual Life.  It is time to open the door and deliberately welcome God in.

(Inspired by Eknath Easwaran's Thought for the Day)

1 comment:

  1. The picture reminds me of one in which the Christ Jesus is knocking at hearts door. As in this picture there is no door handle on the outside. We must open the door on the inside to allow HIM to enter. Love the verse also.
