Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Spirit of Christmas 2012

 “What is the spirit of Christmas, you ask?  Let me give you the answer in a true story...
On a cold day in December, feeling especially warm in my heart for no other reason than it was the holiday season, I walked through the store sporting a big grin on my face.  Though most people were far too busy going about their business to notice me, one elderly gentleman in a wheelchair brought his eyes up to meet mine as we neared each other traveling opposite directions.  He slowed in passing just long enough to speak to me.
"Now that's a Christmas smile if I ever saw one," he said.
My lips stretched to their limit in response, and I thanked him for the compliment.  Then we went our separate ways. But, as I thought about the man and how sweetly he'd touched me, I realized something simply wonderful!  In that brief, passing interaction we'd exchanged heartfelt gifts!
And that, my friend, is the spirit of Christ~mas. ”

Richelle E. Goodrich

 I am thankful for all of my blessings.  I am deeply appreciative for all of those who have been a Santa to me, making me laugh and adorning me with presents.  I have nothing but admiration for those who have been Christ-like ...  humble and serving from the riches of their heart across all limitations and boundaries.  I am grateful for the time with my daughter being an invisible Santa to unknown others by  doing random acts of kindness ... the joy of Christmas! 

2012 has brought to me the greatest of my personal and spiritual transitions.  It has been a time with many unexplainable losses, eventually followed by surprised gains.  Throughout these last twelve months, life disclosed many challenges and lessons not all filled with delight.  With each new awareness, I my light grew stronger in my heart and soul.

We are all lights of love, to shine in celebration of the Divine, to reflect as a beacon for others, and to experience life in a most positive loving way.  Let us carry this Christmas Spirit into every future day.

Thank you for being a presence in my life, inspiring me to write.
Virginia Carlson

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